* Telehealth Appointments Only *
All services are provided with the intent of being LGBTQIA+ friendly, sex positive, gender affirming, ethical non-monogamy/poly accepting, kink aware, and culturally sensitive. Therapy should be a place you feel safe to explore your authentic self free of judgement and induced shame.
Individual Therapy: You, or your adolescent spends time identifying goals for change that can be addressed with the development of coping skills while working through stressful life events.
Family/Relationship/Couples Therapy: Parents and children, or partners work toward common goals to foster a deeper connection to allow for improved communication and understanding as a way of making life go more smoothly.
Group Therapy (DBT): A small group of 3-9 clients work together in a classroom setting to build skills to strengthen individual relationships and emotional well-being.
Life Coaching: A supportive form of alternative healthcare that is not eligible for billing under the mental health umbrella of health insurance. Life coaching is a great continuation of care for someone who has successfully completed therapy and wants to maintain check ins as they continue to take steps toward their life goals, or for someone who is interested in setting goals to make changes to their life and feel they would benefit from one on one support in reaching those goals.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of treatment that helps people heal from symptoms of emotional distress that are brought on from painful life experiences.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a type of treatment that focuses on bonding and attachment as a way to strengthen and improve relationships.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a type of treatment that focused on building resiliency through the practice of mindfulness, acceptance, and emotion management. The goal is to change negative thinking patterns that foster unhelpful behaviors in daily life by reducing stress, improving relationships, and learning how to navigate difficult emotions.
Psychotherapy Services: Telehealth Only
Intake Assessment (up to 90 minutes): CPT 90791: $300
Individual Therapy: CPT 90834 38-52 minutes: $210
Individual Therapy: CPT 90832 16-37 minutes: $105
Family/Couple’s Therapy (jointly): CPT 90847 26+ minutes: $220
Family/Couple’s Therapy (individually): CPT 90846 26+ minutes: $210
(Couples counseling is billed as family therapy for insurance purposes)
**No show appointments will be billed at the scheduled appointment’s rate**
*A 10% convenience discount provided for self pay clients*
WindRose Counseling is enrolled in Thrizer as a resource of clients utilizing out of network benefits to reduce financial stressors of waiting for out of network reimbursement from their insurance providers. For more information please click here: What is Thrizer?
Courtesy billing of all insurances as an out of network provider is offered as mental health therapy is covered by most insurance companies and plans. Services may be covered in part or in full by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Often times due to geographical location and lack of in-network providers insurance companies will reimburse at in-network rates. Please take the time to call your insurance company and get pre-authorized for services by asking what your coverage for individual therapy (CPT code 90834 and/or 90837) or for family/couples therapy (CPT code 90847 and 90846) is.
Additional questions to ask are:
What has been met on your deductible for you or your partner?
What is your co-pay or coinsurance amount for out of network services?
Can services be covered under a single case agreement?
What is needed for pre-authorization of services?
Please note that your contract is between you and your insurance provider and you are ultimately responsible for any unpaid services incurred.
*Unfortunately I do not take Denali Kid Care, Medicaid, or Medicare at this time.